Qudo™ Soother
It’s helped 100%, massive help and couldn’t have done without it.
Ian, Bristol
Qudo™ Soother delivers lasting therapeutic value – it’s not a normal dummy!
What makes it unique?
Our soother relieves discomfort, reduces crying, improves sleep patterns in babies first few months of life. This ground breaking new solution enhances an infants’ cranial rhythm, resetting and improving biological and physiological mechanisms, naturally.
We call it Soothing Science™
Quality and Safety
- Suitable for infants from birth.
- Qudo™ Soother is BPA free. The teat is made from medical grade silicone.
- Designed and made in the UK.
- Complies with EN 1400.
- Tested in an independent study with University of Surrey, 2019.
- Sterilise the soother before use, using your preferred sterilisation method.
Solution-Based Design
Qudo™ Soother, designed and created by Nicky Bateman, is the result of treating babies struggling with persistent crying and colic and parents not finding effective solutions. Nicky realised she could create a soother specifically designed to apply the practice of Chiropractic and Craniosacral therapies to help solve the discomfort of babies.
Designed Scientifically
Using Chiropractic, Craniosacral and extensive research, Nicky took the concept of sucking on a little finger and has spent 12 years researching, developing and testing to create the perfect teat to deliver therapeutic relief. The patented Qudo™ Soother is unique in its form with a curved teat that applies gentle pressure on the roof of the baby’s mouth – an action that has been demonstrated to relieve tension and pain.
Led by Babies
The development of Qudo™ Soother was inspired by babies suffering from persistent crying and colic and parents struggling to find effective solutions. From the concept to the first prototype to today, babies have led the way.
Loved by Babies
Babies using Qudo Soother can feel calmer and more content. Parents have reported a significant drop in irritability and crying in their baby and improved length and quality of the babies’ sleep. Parents also remarked ‘she’s a different baby’, ‘so much happier’ and ‘getting much better and rarely cries.’