What if I have problems breastfeeding?
Consultant Midwife Michelle Knight talks about the importance of breastfeeding and why mums and babies struggle sometimes
When it comes to promoting the health of infants under six months old, breastfeeding is one of the most effective routes.
Breast milk is ideal nutrition for babies. It’s safe, clean and rich in antibodies that help protect against many common childhood illnesses. Breast milk provides all the energy and nutrients an infant needs during the first few months of life.
Around two thirds of mothers start breastfeeding, but this falls to less than 50% by weeks six to eight. The reasons for this decrease are complex, but can include:
- Practical problems establishing breastfeeding
- Failure to access or to receive support
- Concerns about whether the infant is getting enough milk
- Societal and family attitudes leaving the mum uncomfortable breastfeeding in public or in front of family members or peers.
Some babies may struggle with latching onto the breast due to issues such as tongue tie, colic symptoms, or poor structural alignment.
To support your baby, the Qudo has been tested and specifically designed to help ease feeding challenges. It can also help you understand the challenges you may be facing while feeding your baby.
Gaining understanding and knowledge will enable you to identify the right solutions for you and seek appropriate products and help without worrying about what to do next. Feeding your baby should be a straightforward and enjoyable experience, not a source of stress.
It’s essential to recognise that professional help is available to support you along the way.
There are several support groups available to assist parents with infant feeding:
- The Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM)
- The Breastfeeding Network (BfN) – which includes the Drugs in Breast milk Information Service
- La Leche League GB (LLLGB)
- The Multiple Births Foundation
- The National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
- National Breastfeeding Helpline (supported by ABM and BfN)
- Support for parents – Baby Friendly Initiative.